The Adventures of Dooley and Me - Part 16 - July 4th
The 4th
Happy 4th of July everyone! Dooley and I had a good hike around Tallulah Gorge this morning. We noticed lots of different breeds of dogs also walking with their humans. Little ones, big ones, long hairs, short hairs, Pugs, poodles, and doodles. German shepards, Irish setters, English bulldogs, Rottweilers, Coonhounds, all happy to be alive, wagging their rear ends, sniffing, drinking water, peeing and pooping. Living life and enjoying the day.
I began to notice, … the same was true of the humans being led by their canines. They’re all different shapes, sizes, colors, long hairs and no hairs. Instead of wagging tails, (although there were a few of those) there were smiling faces, families, singles and doubles. And yes, peeing and pooping! (Long line at the bathrooms :)
There was the Mom from Florida, with four kids including one teenage boy who kept insisting that they go down and up the 1,099 stairs into the heart of the gorge. I had stopped and given them directions earlier in the day, so the Mom looked to me for advice. I told her that it was definitely strenuous, take your time, rest a lot. (I have done it several times, it’s definitely not easy) She said “I’m from Florida, I’m not used to all this up and Down!”
A group of teenage girls, who were laughing and giggling and looking at their phones. I couldn’t tell what they were saying, as I got closer, I realized they were speaking a language I couldn’t even identify. Which is probably true for me listening to most teenage girls these days …
Grandpas and grandmas taking grandkids hiking, showing them this amazing place trying to keep them away from the edge, the kids exclaiming “whooooa” in amazement.
What a Great Day! People and puppies of all different nationalities, backgrounds, religions, colors, celebrating Independence Day in the United States of America!
From California, to Texas, to Florida, Massachusetts to Oregon. Regardless of our differences, Let’s all be grateful, to live in such a great place. A place where our differences, can also be our strengths…