Dot Day
Dot Day
It was a typical summer day at the Springer Opera House, Home of the Springer Theatre Academy. Kids arriving for another day of fun, learning many things; ‘Theatre’. Acting, singing, dancing, celebrating life through art. Or as they put it: “Life skills through stage skills”.
But today was a little different. Today was “Dot Day”. Some kids were wearing Dots on their t-shirts and clothes, a tradition on Dot Day. But even Dot Day was different this time. All of Dot McClure’s Children, Grandchildren, and Great grandchildren, were invited to join in on the festivities. We toured The Springer and sat in on some classes. Some of us were interviewed in a discussion of the history of The Springer and the Springer Theatre Academy.
We got to participate in ‘Salutations’, a movement exercise to Pachelbels Canon in D, that “Honors the Past, Acknowledges the Present, and Salutes the Future.” I used to watch my Mom (Dot) participate in these rituals on the Springer stage, surrounded by her ‘Springer kids’. They were all very special to her, if I was there, she would insist that I join in. I was shy about it at first but before it ended, I would get this feeling in my heart that this was something special ... It still is Today.
My Mom loved teaching acting, as much as acting. When I was pretty young, I used to watch her teach a summer acting class at something called ‘Musemont’ at Jekyll Island. It was a part of her I rarely saw at home. I would get that feeling in my heart every time she’d walk on a stage. Whether it was at Musemont, Wynnton School Auditorium, or the Springer Opera House, she would light up like the 4th of July!
Her relatives called her Dorothy, grandkids called her Mama Dot, my friends and I used to call her Mountain Ma, at The Springer Theatre Academy, … she’s Dot… Miss you Mom