I watched a movie last night called Last Vegas. It could have well been written by someone watching me a few weeks ago. The movie was almost as hilarious as that weekend. (I highly recommend watching it)
The last weekend in June, I joined 15-20 former fraternity brothers at a campground in North Georgia. We had all attended North Georgia College (now The University of North Georgia) somewhere between 1965 and 2000. I transferred to UGA my junior year but have maintained several friendships through the years. Basically, we sat around and told old stories. (some older than others)
Let me also say that the majority of these brothers went into military service after graduating. North Georgia College was/is a Military College. Therefore, there was a heavy concentration of “Type A” personalities. Majors, Colonels, Generals, Army, Navy, Marines, etc, etc. They ALL thought they were in charge! (Just imagine, all Generals, no Privates) It was fun to watch!
So we fished, and drank, told stories, and drank, cooked meat, and drank, ate meat, and drank. There was a lot of talk about finding Bigfoot. (as I recall) Fortunately, we didn’t look very hard … There have been some searches in the past 😊
When we get together, we tend to think we’re younger than we are. At least this year, no one was taken to the hospital!
I’ve been working on a song called ‘Get off my Lawn!’ I have had major inspiration from this group…
Eventually, some settled into real conversations, about the past , the present, the future … A lot of these guys have seen and participated in live conflicts around the world. They have served their country proudly, bravely, with honor. I admire and respect these guys. I enjoy their since of humor and “Joi d’ vivre”. I’m proud to know them.
All of us didn’t go into the Armed Services after graduation, myself included. But we all GREW UP in Dahlonega, Georgia, at North Georgia College. We learned about leadership, honor, discipline, honesty. We learned life lessons that remain true to this day.
But most importantly, …. We remain true friends…