Joe Songs Music

Modern Folk Music by Joe McClure



It’s happening again … still … It’s happening more and more as I get older. You know what I mean …

I just got back from Florida, attending my Aunt Emily’s funeral. (my mom’s sister) She was a wonderful aunt. Always positive and smiling… She raised an awesome family, lived through many challenges,  she lived a good life. She’ll be missed by lots of friends and family, in Florida and across the country. I’ll miss her too. Family is important.  I become more aware of this daily.

We told many old stories, recalled sweet memories, and fun ones. One ongoing tradition, maintained throughout the years between my Aunt Emily and Uncle Ed was our fierce loyalty to our Alma maters and the Georgia/Florida game. The winner always displayed  ‘good sportsmanship’  by calling the other, and expressing ‘condolences’  for the losing team 😊

I think one thing all of us said many times this past weekend was “We need to get together like this, when there’s no funeral involved.”   We used to get together for weddings, and reunions, … and births and deaths. But as generations leave us, as the years pass, and now too many of my generation …  Well …  I think it was Lewis Grizzard who said, “Elvis is dead and I don’t feel so good myself.”

     I’ll also miss Larry, who introduced me to a new drink called a Tequila Sunrise at a frat party at UGA.

     Jack, who served his city and the advertising business in Columbus.

     Mike, a talented writer/businessman/entrepreneur who shared his wisdom to many fighting cancer.

     Murray, family man and husband to a very dear friend of mine.      

     Rick M, talented musician and friend to me and pretty much everybody in Columbus.

     Rick W,  talented writer/songwriter/musician I wish I had known better.

     Terry, who sent me a cherry milkshake along with my prescription of pain pills when I had my tonsils out at 33 years old.

     Ralph, Medal of Honor recipient and an inspiration to thousands of soldiers.

And many, many, more … The list keeps growing … and we’re powerless to stop it…

Life is short …  Let’s not … wait for the funeral  … to enjoy our friends and relations.