Joe Songs Music

Modern Folk Music by Joe McClure



For about two weeks now, we’ve had an additional pet!  He (the sex has not yet been determined) has been living/hiding/sleeping in different places. Mostly in my study and the master bedroom. Dooley (my dog) sniffs at it occasionally but doesn’t seem to mind much. I’ve been pretty surprised that he’s survived this long since we haven’t fed him or given him water. We affectionately call him “LEE-ZARD- LEE-ZARD”.

Yes, I’ve been trying to catch him,  (in a humane manner of course) for two weeks now, so I could return him to his home outside. But this little green fellow is quick! … and scared … I have decided several times that eventually he would be discovered, … stiff and dried up under a piece of furniture.

Every time he dashes under a piece of furniture, where I can’t find him or get to him, I would think to myself, and, actually began telling him … “I’m trying to help you, I want to take you home. Don’t be so scared! Let me help you!” But he would run away, time after time.

I remember my kids going through that phase, “Leave me alone! I can do it myself!” And now I hear myself saying the same thing. Kids want to prove they’re growing up. I want to prove I’m not that old! 😊 Yes, I’m afraid of getting old, but then I’m not looking forward to the alternative either.

I think maybe LEE-ZARD is smarter than I thought, he just peeked out at me. Has he been reading over my shoulder?  Shhhh … He’s in the corner now, … maybe I can catch him   …    …  …   …   …  NOPE!

I can think of people and situations that we encounter that mean to help , but we’re too scared (or proud) to accept. We’re often afraid of dentists, doctors, nurses, hospitals, MRI machines, needles ...  Hip replacements, the first one, … the second one I looked forward to!  … Open Heart Surgery,  glad I did, but … never want to do that again!😊

Coaches, teachers, old people, young people, people who are different, policemen, soldiers, enclosed spaces, preachers.   … songwriters? … Ah … not so scary. Unless you’re a LEE-ZARD!

I should mention, some fears, may be healthy. Fear of jumping off of a bridge, fear of a car wreck, fear of poisonous snakes, fear of wasps. I’m scared of: phone calls from “Potential Spam”,  politicians, pundits, lawyers and car salesman on tv that yell at me, … and others …

Wait! … He’s poking out his head again, … I think maybe he’s getting hungry, or weak … careful …   …    …  …    got him! 😊

Now all he has to worry about … is that snake outside …