Joe Songs Music

Modern Folk Music by Joe McClure

The Adventures of Dooley and Me Part 15

The Adventures of Dooley and Me Part 15

Dooley goes to Camp!

Remember how you used to go away for summer camp for a couple of weeks every summer? We decided to fly out to Colorado for a couple of weeks, and flying means we couldn’t take Dooley ☹  So we did what our parents used to do , We sent Dooley to summer camp for a couple of weeks! I wonder if my parents missed me as much as I missed Dooley?  … . . . Somehow I doubt it :}  Dooley loves summer camp, and he loves his camp counselor, Miss Caroline too. He gets to learn new tricks, play with other dogs, and cats, get some good training and socialization from the experience. I get to spend a couple of weeks without worrying about Dooley eating my socks and underwear! (If you know… you know)

Dooley’s new trick from this trip was to learn to jump in the car without having to be lifted into the car! (Believe me, this is a GREAT trick! My back appreciates it!) The only problem is, now every time I open the door, Dooley wants to jump in. 

As you may know (from previous blogs) Telluride is a very dog friendly place, everywhere I turn I see another Doodle of some kind, and many almost exact duplicates of my sweet boy Dooley. Instead of walking around showing people pictures of my grandkids, I’ve been showing off pictures of Dooley. (Don’t worry, I have pictures of the grands as well!)

Here’s an update on my friend Bruno, the maitre’d from Italy, who was about to get his United States citizenship. (See: Adventures of Dooley and Me Part 11) I asked him if he had been home to Italy yet, to see his parents. He said: “Yes! And I have never been so proud as when I landed back in the U.S. at LaGuardia airport; showed my passport to the Customs official, and he said “WELCOME HOME!”. I was proud to be HOME, in The United States of America!”

Wow, what a refreshing statement!

Dooley and Me will be driving across The Good ol’ USA again very soon! See you there!